Monday, May 20, 2013

How'd I Get Here? A Convert's Testimony

May 11, 2013
Holly Vance

My Testimony

I’ve been thinking a lot about my testimony and the state of my heart since this class started, even though I haven’t been able to get to every class, and I realized that while my heart is not as open as it should be or even as open as I’d like it to be, it is improving slowly but steadily. 

It’s hard to say how and in what ways my testimony has grown, so I will provide a little background.  I spent the first 20 years of my life as a very active Catholic- I was even still active as I was taking the missionary discussions.  I went to Catholic school from preschool through eighth grade, and while at the time I begged to go to the public school, I’m grateful now for the time that I had there, as looking back I can see how it shaped me into the person I’ve become. I learned at an early age to pray and that God answered prayers, and I can’t remember ever NOT knowing that Jesus Christ died for my sins.  While Catholic and Mormon doctrines have major differences, I am grateful the basic knowledge and testimony I gained in those early years.  I have also found in looking through certain instances of my life I was definitely prepared to hear and accept the gospel.  I even believed a lot of the Mormon doctrine as a Catholic, unbeknownst to meJ  For example, I have always believed that the Godhead was three distinct beings with one purpose-there was just no way in my mind that They could be 3 persons in 1.  I remember as a preschooler asking my teacher how God could be in the form of a dove on Christ’s shoulder and at the same time speaking from the sky and saying “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  I especially hated being told “that’s something you can ask God when you die.”  How grateful I am to know that I can pray about such things and receive a testimony when I ask and study for it.

So how did I end up here? I am pretty sure I ask that weekly, if not daily.  I’m still not quite sure how I ended up converting.  I was content to go to Church one hour a week on Sunday mornings-and that was just because I just sang every week so it was easy to stay active.  If I didn’t lead the music I’m pretty sure I just would not have gone.  And singing helped me to meet my best friend, as we were in choir at school together.  All the sudden I had Mormon friends, so when my other friends were out drinking I was out “Mormon dancing.”  It worked out well for all of usJ  One of those “Mormon” friends ended up going to school at Southern Virginia University, and I went to visit her.  We ended up at a Stake Conference where they were challenged to find someone to take the discussions- that’s my cue.  I thought it was just one meeting with missionaries.  When Heidi came home she got me to come over and meet with them.  At the end they asked when I could meet them again for the next discussion, and my response was a confused “next one? How many are there?”  I met with them for all 6 discussions, and even though I knew it was true and felt like I’d heard everything before, I wasn’t ready to commit.  I’m pretty sure they only continued meeting with me because Heidi’s dad was the Stake President and we were meeting with him at his houseJ 

But long story short 6 months after I started this I realized I had to make a decision as to whether or not it was truly necessary to be baptized.  I had had a bad day at Church in Sunday school, and I went home resolved to find out what the Lord would have me do.  However, I really didn’t have any experience praying and asking for answers, and I was feeling like a brat at the time, so I informed the Lord (don’t ever do this people) that if His Church was true and He wanted me to be baptized into it, I needed a sign.  In fact, while we are at it, I haven’t seen a deer in weeks (I grew up in Montana and my apartment was on the edge of a wooded area).  So let’s make that sign a deer- Just show me a deer.  So…..2 seconds later a deer walked up to me, and had I not been so shocked I could have touched it.  Not only did it walk up to me, it stopped and stared until I broke eye contact.  If that doesn’t show you that the Lord has a sense of humor I don’t know what will.  3 weeks later I found myself getting dunked.  It was a terrible three weeks as we won’t even go into how my family took the news and still takes the news, but finally I was baptized and a member of the Church. 

I wish I could say that I learned from that experience that I need to have a more open heart to what the Lord has for me but let’s just say I’m a slow learner.

Something I did learn from that experience is that the Lord knows each of us.  He knows our fears and frustrations and deepest desires and He is willing to bless us if we will just reach out to him.  It’s been ten and a half years since I was baptized.  In that time there have been many ups and downs, more ups than downs as I look back, but I can see how the Lord has shaped and molded me into the person I am.  I’m still not sure how I ended up in Seattle, but I am sure that the Lord has a plan for us.  I have learned how to better pray for answers so that I don’t need to ask for a sign, but I don’t always listen to or even hear those answers.  I am however a stronger and hopefully better person for having the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Atonement in my life.  This life is hard but it’s awesome.

 I sometimes hate being single, but looking back at past relationships I realized that had those worked out I would not be where I am today and I wouldn’t have had some of the amazing experiences I have had.  I don’t always like or agree with the Lord’s plan for me, but in hindsight I can always see how His plan is better and I try to keep that in mind.  I sometimes seriously can’t stand being single.  I am the last single one left of my group of close friends from high school and I’m going home this summer for the final 2 weddings.  I get tired of hearing “Aren’t you lonely?  Aren’t you old for your Church to not be married? “  I want to yell out at them “No, I love being single.  It’s the best experience ever.  HELLO!  Would YOU choose to be single?”  Seriously.  But when that happens I remember that in all the blessings and answered prayers I’ve received over the last ten and a half years, I have always felt that things will work out the way they are supposed to, and eventually I WILL get married…hopefully in this life thoughJ  I’m not a super patient person. Also, I occasionally get jealous when I see my friends happily married and having their fourth and fifth kids.  It’s cool.  No, it doesn’t bother me at all that my younger sister has been happily married for 3 years and has a beautiful fat red head little boy that I love with all my heart.  Truly it doesn’t…I can totally give him back at the end of the day when he’s cranky and tired of meJ It also doesn’t bother me to hear my dad continually say “I’m going to die before you get married and give me any more grandbabies.”  HA!  I do this to spite you dad.  No problem.  As you can see, this stuff totally doesn’t bother me at allJ 

On the other hand, in all of this time that I’ve spent single, I’ve learned that the Lord has a very strong love for me.  I know that He knows me personally and has blessed me with other experiences that in all honesty have made me grateful that I’m single.  I’ve been to Germany and Austria, 2 of my favorite places on earth.  I’ve been to Hawaii and Cancun and Washington DC and Boston.  I’ve seen Wicked 3 times and Les Miserables 3 times.  I’ve been to Disneyland twice.  I’ve had time to become a better friend, daughter, sister and aunt.  I’ve become a good nurse, and even have been able to get my wound care certification- a dream since the middle of nursing school.  When my family has gotten sick and needed me I’ve been able to be there, and when my friends are getting married or planning a parent’s or loved one’s funerals I’ve been able to be there.  And best of all I’ve finally found the time to become a temple worker.  If I was married I’m not sure how much or if any of that I could have done, so yes I can be grateful for being single.  I love the temple.   I love the time I’ve had to reflect on things and grow spiritually.  I love that I’ve been able to do genealogical work and do temple work for my family- the ones who are hundreds of years old that no one thought to forbid me to doJ  I can see the ways that my being a member of this Church has helped my family-even though they would not see it or ever admit it.  I am a stronger better person because of it and I can’t say that enough. 

I KNOW that Jesus Christ lives, and that He died for our sins so that we could live with Him in glory forever.  I have known that my entire life.  I KNOW that He has a plan for us, and if we will trust Him things will turn out better than we can ever even hope or imagine.  I know that He hears our prayers and pleadings and thanksgivings and stands to bless us at every opportunity.  I know that through His Atonement and our repentance we can become better people and help to build up His Kingdom on the earth-whether we are married or single, divorced or widowed.  We are all God’s children.  Temples dot the earth so that we can go there frequently to do work for the dead that will bless us and our families for generations.  Christ stands at the head of this Church and Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet today.  Listening to his council and that of all the leaders of the Church will help us to grow closer to the Lord.  The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and studying it closely will fortify us and make us stronger.  Mosiah said to “Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.  And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.” (Mosiah 4:9-10)  I know that we can’t comprehend all that He has in store for us.  But I also know that we “can do all things through Christ which strengthens us” (Philippians 4:13) if we “trust in the Lord with all [our] heart[s], and lean not unto [our] own understanding….In all [our] ways acknowledg[ing] him …he shall direct [our] paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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