Sunday, June 16, 2013

Testimony, by Ambie Snell

May 8th, 2013

            As I have reflected on my life experiences that have anchored my testimony of Jesus Christ, the Hymn I Need Thee Every Hour plays through my mind and reaches my soul and I can feel humility in my heart because of the despair I’ve felt and the healing that has taken place there.
            At the tender ages of 3-6 I went through some major health problems that should have taken my life. I frequently look back at that time and thank my Heavenly Father for sparing my life. Because of the words of a faithful mother growing up, I knew my survival meant I have a purpose to accomplish.
            There are other times when I’ve asked “Why was my life spared”- mostly when I see others suffering to death, I have remorse for surviving. Today, I think of my young naive self and remember that not once did I feel helpless like I was going to die- but I know through many prayers and especially the ones offered by my faithful mother as she was in His need my mortal body was able to over come what held it in bondage for so long.  This was life altering experience number one.
            My second life experience came about 13 years later. I grew up in the church and taught by my dad for many years in Sunday School about the basic principles of the Gospel and about the Restoration. He eventually left the church.
            My father and I have a strange relationship in that we have a bond that is unexplainable but not close at the same time. I’ve felt a strong inclination ever since he left the church that I needed to bring him back. At the age of 19 I was reading, desperately searching the scriptures for the first time in my life. I was on a hunt to find the answer to some questions that my father had about the church. Day after day I pleaded in such a high need of my Heavenly Father’s help. It was through this plea that I gained my first witness of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who Joseph Smith truly was. The witness came so powerfully, it was as if I was physically lifted off my knees and taken to a higher place. This experience has become my concrete foundation to my testimony and for my love for Heavenly Father.
            My third and most recent experience came as I sought for healing to a broken heart. One night when I didn’t have the strength to bow down before my Heavenly Father, I muttered through sobs the words to I Need Thee Every Hour, and it was through this and the past 2 shared experiences and many other experiences of other natures that have shaped me and given strength to my testimony and helped me recognize my daily need for my Heavenly Father and the healing power, in all its forms, of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Atonement has healed my physical being, given me a testimony and healed my heart. I love my Heavenly and His Son Jesus Christ. I testify of them in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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